For decades, researchers have found that students of color are over-referred into special education, ending up classified as ...
That could explain why there’s such a broad range of strategies used to motivate and engage neurodiverse students at school ...
Teachers who talk to kids about why learning is difficult equips students to understand themselves and become their own ...
For students with dyscalculia, learning math, particularly those early math facts, can be far more difficult than it is for ...
Dyscalculia is at times referred to as “math dyslexia.” Learn how the math learning disability is related to dyslexia and ...
Researchers have found discrepancies between student grades and their scores on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT.
Media tropes about teachers can give incoming educators and the public unrealistic expectations about the profession.
Kowalski of the Data Quality Campaign says her biggest complaint is that parents are often the last to get access to the ...
Twenty-one states have programs that give tax credits for donations to organizations that grant private-school scholarships.
The justices have one major case on transgender medical care on their docket and others pending on gender-identity issues in ...
What does it say about our country if presidential candidates walk away from education policy? asks Bettina L. Love.
Teachers on social media share what TV shows should be required viewing for anyone familiar with life in the classroom.