Long before Einstein’s famous discovery that “time is relative,” many Buddhist masters meticulously examined subjects such as time and matter. By its very definition, time is temporal, and therefore a ...
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) curriculum is facing serious setbacks, largely due to its ...
As human-wildlife conflicts escalate and forest ecosystems face increasing threats, the ‘Living Landscapes: Securing High ...
To foster entrepreneurship in the country, the experts at the recent Bhutan Innovation Forum suggested government-funded ...
Samtse—The seven local communities living in the mineral-rich areas of Phuentshopelri gewog, Samtse are crying foul over how ...
Trashigang—As Bhutan sets its sights on sustainable tourism, the six eastern dzongkhags—Mongar, Lhuentse, Trashigang, ...
The 1,200 MW Punatsangchhu-I Hydropower Project (PHPA-I), one of Bhutan’s most ambitious infrastructure undertakings, is ...