The Muslim-majority territory disputed with Pakistan returned to the polls after ten years (and Modi’s unilateral repeal of ...
The family of the 32-year-old migrant worker held a vigil in a church in Udon Thani province, demanding his release. Together ...
After TikTok Shop, Jakarta banned the Chinese giant that arrived in Southeast Asia in 2023. Its business model violates ...
Fighters of the Belucistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the attack in which three people died, two of whom were ...
As Tbilisi prepares to vote in the parliamentary elections on 26 October, President Salome Zurabišvili is more and more ...
In a letter to the region’s Catholics on the anniversary of 7 October, the pontiff expresses his closeness to all those who ...
Msgr. Martinelli told AsiaNews that it is ‘urgent’ to relaunch the Church's ‘presence’ in the country tormented by conflict and violence. The testimony of the nuns, th ...
In Israel, relatives of the 7 October victims in an alternative ceremony return to demand inchjiesta on the responsibilities of the Netanyahu government; Duterte runs again for ...
L'arcivescovo di Tokyo e presidente di Caritas Internationalis scelto da papa Francesco tra i nuovi porporati invita a ...
Nel territorio a maggioranza musulmana conteso con il Pakistan tornato al voto dopo il colpo di mano con cui Modi ha ...
曼谷(亚洲新闻) - 周末,斯里奥恩(Sriaoun)一家在泰国东北部的一座教堂祈祷,并再次呼吁释放他们的亲人,他在加沙被哈马斯控制了一年。沃卡拉·斯里奥恩(Watchara ...
I combattenti dell’Esercito per la liberazione del Belucistan hanno rivendicato l’attacco in cui sono morte tre persone, di ...