Long before Einstein’s famous discovery that “time is relative,” many Buddhist masters meticulously examined subjects such as time and matter. By its very definition, time is temporal, and therefore a ...
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) curriculum is facing serious setbacks, largely due to its ...
As human-wildlife conflicts escalate and forest ecosystems face increasing threats, the ‘Living Landscapes: Securing High ...
To foster entrepreneurship in the country, the experts at the recent Bhutan Innovation Forum suggested government-funded ...
Trashigang—As Bhutan sets its sights on sustainable tourism, the six eastern dzongkhags—Mongar, Lhuentse, Trashigang, ...
Samtse—The seven local communities living in the mineral-rich areas of Phuentshopelri gewog, Samtse are crying foul over how ...
The 1,200 MW Punatsangchhu-I Hydropower Project (PHPA-I), one of Bhutan’s most ambitious infrastructure undertakings, is ...